Ex-Saiwa Biomedical Teaching Pole Classroom 3-4, Friday, November 3, 2023 at 14
. Notice is hereby given to students enrolled in the fifth year or later of the Pharmacy and CTF CdLs who intend to carry out the professional internship in the next academic year, that on November 3, 2023 at 2 p.m., an introductory meeting with the Presidents of the Professional Orders of Pharmacists of the Ligurian and Alexandria provinces will be held in Room 3-4 of the Biomedical Teaching Pole (former Saiwa).  
Attendance at the meeting is compulsory for the purpose of initiating internship activities. 
. Any further updates on the meeting will be communicated on course websites or via AulaWeb by members of the internship committee.

The Internship Commission