
Optical nonlinearity in photonic materials enables a large number of applications such as frequency conversion, all-optical signal processing, and non-classical sources of light. In graphene, charge carrier manipulation is facilitated by exceptionally strong coupling to optical fields, from which stems an important back-action of photoexcited carriers.

The seminar will focus on the instantaneous response of graphene to ultrafast optical fields, elucidating the role of hot carriers on sub-100 fs timescales.

Dr. Andrea Marini is Assistant Professor in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics and ''Rita Levi Montalcini'' Research Fellow at The University of L’Aquila. Dr. Marini pursued his doctoral studies at The University of Bath, United Kingdom (2011), and has been a postdoctoral research at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (2011-2014) in Erlangen, Germany, and at ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences (2014-2017) in Castelldefels, Spain. In his career he has been awarded two Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships.


Thursday 13, February 2020 at 3 pm


 Aula Magna Riccardo Ferro – DCCI department