The Humanities course has joined the TE.CO. (TEst of Competences) project organized by ANVUR. The aim is to understand which competences you have acquired during your university career in order to allow your teachers to improve their teaching activities.

The test will be held remotely, consists of two quizzes and takes about two hours. For our course of study you can choose whether to participate in the'modern' or'classical' area.

Students enrolled in the first year and third yearcan participate.

Your participation is of course voluntary and completely anonymous (only you will know your result) and, of course, it will not affect your career in any way. The Course Coordinator will only receive the overall average result of all participants.

Two dates have been set for the test:

  • Friday, April 30, 2021, 10 a.m.(registration deadline: April 26)
  • Wednesday 19 May 2021, 10 a.m.(registration deadline: 14 May)

To take the test, you will need a computer and a second device with a camera, such as a smartphone or tablet.

For instructions and any other information you can consult this site:

or you can contact our TECO disciplinary manager, Prof. Biagio Santorelli (