In the framework of the collaboration between the Doctorate Course in Clinical and Experimental Immunology and the Doctorate Course in Biotechnology in Translational Medicine

we would like to point out the educational offer related to 2021 of interest for the students enrolled in the XXXVI Cycle:

1) Presenting the results of one's experimental work -Lecturer Prof. RODOLFO QUARTO

29/06/2021 - H. 14.00/17.00 - LECTURE

01/07/2021 - H. 14.00/17.00 - LECTURE

08/07/2021 - H. 14.00/17.00 - VERIFICATION

2) Disseminating and presenting one's own study to the scientific community- Teacher Prof.ssa SVEVA BOLLINI

09/09/2021 - H. 14.00/18.00 - LECTURE

16/09/2021 - H. 14.00/18.00 - VERIFICATION

3) Developing "project/task managing attitude" in order to prepare a research project in response to a call for proposals - Teacher Prof.ssa ROBERTA TASSO

15/07/2021 - H. 14.00/18.00 - LESSON

22/07/2021 - H. 14.00/18.00 - VERIFICATION

In the attached poster the modalities of participation.