Until June 15, registration is open for the 2021 edition of the Summer School in Media ecology and Digital Communication, an intensive residential training course that aims to refine and update the preparation of young graduates, employees of companies and startuppers in order to face the entry into the workplace and business reality with more competitiveness.

The Summer School is organized by Frame-Festival della Comunicazione with the University of Genoa, the University of Turin-Scienza Nuova, the Institute of Management Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa and the Italian Institute of Technology, in collaboration with the Municipality of Camogli and the Liguria Region.

Much more than a training course, the Summer School is pioneering a new approach to work and to the media reality in which we live and act, involving in a cohesive network the major research centers, universities and the most dynamic and virtuous companies, in a hub of ideas and innovation. Send your application!

When and where?

The Summer School will be held from Monday 13 to Saturday 25 September 2021 in the historic fishing village of Camogli, one of the most beautiful on the eastern Ligurian Riviera and in Italy.

Who is it for?

The Summer School is open to all Bachelor or Master degree holders under 35, of any discipline or field of expertise.

What is studied?

During the two weeks, theoretical lessons, practical cases presented by companies or research centers and projects to be developed in small working groups, with a high applicative value, will alternate.

Participants of the Summer School will be able to

  • increase their knowledge and skills, through an intensive high-level transversal course
  • have access to innovative ideas and current trends in the world of information and entrepreneurship
  • refine their communication, organizational and teamwork skills
  • develop a network of contacts for current and future collaborations
  • expand their prospects and employment opportunities by coming into contact with some of the most important national companies

and learn to

  • produce quality information
  • build a credible image, defending it from trolls and fake news
  • use social media intelligently and effectively
  • master the main marketing techniques on the most important digital platforms and the methodologies for assessing their impact
  • interact professionally with algorithms, data analytics tools and artificial intelligence protect themselves from the pitfalls of the web and deep web

What are the main topics covered?

  • algorithms, data science, SEO, data analysis, cloud computing
  • cyber security and cyber safety
  • storytelling, data journalism, copywriting
  • social media and new media
  • business models and startup building
  • podcast and new platforms

A public moment of opening and discussion

On Saturday 18 September, the Summer School will open to the general public with an Open Day dedicated to the macro-trends of innovation and communication, with the main protagonists of the entrepreneurial, institutional, research and innovation world, such as Roberto Cingolani, Marco Bentivogli, Francesca Bria, Sabino Cassese, Stefania Giannini, Fabrizio Benente, Maurizio Ferraris, Alessandra Perrazzelli, Donato Ferri, Ilaria Cavo, Giorgio Metta, Guido Scorza and Francesco Profumo.

How much does it cost?

Thanks to the 20 scholarships kindly offered by our partners, the 20 students who will attend the summer school will enjoy free of charge: participation in the courses, accommodation, breakfast and lunch, teaching materials and access to the study rooms and library, tutor support and career service.

Participating students will have to pay a fee of 400 euros to cover only administrative and secretarial expenses.

How do you enroll?

You have until June 15 to submit your application.

Applications will be evaluated by a special committee on the basis of merit and the outcome of the selections will be announced by the end of June.

For info and registration, go to the first link.

Watch the video presentation at the second useful link.