Samsung Innovation Campus Smart Things Edition is atraining program that integrates the knowledge acquired during the university course, offering a group of young problem-solvers an in-depth study of the technological knowledge and transversal skills that are fundamental for successful integration in business work contexts in the IoT and Artificial Intelligence fields.

The project is reserved for students of the University of Genoa enrolled in the following courses of study:

  • Computer Science;
  • Computer Engineering:
  • Electronic Engineering and Information Technology;
  • Mathematics;
  • Physics;
  • Mathematical Statistics and Computer Data Processing (SMID).

The fundamental phases of the project

Classroom training: activities begin with 51 hours of training by UniGe lecturers and Samsung experts.

Final test: after the classroom training, students will have to take a final test that will be assigned a score;

Project Work: 5 work groups will be formed, each consisting of 5 students who will be assigned a project work related to the themes of the project;

Final event:the 5 working groups will participate in the final event, during which they will present their work to a Commission. During the final event, the students who will have attended at least 90% of the lessons (equal to 46 hours), taken the final test and participated in the Project Work, will receive a Certificate of Participation;

Award ceremony: the 3 students who will have obtained the best score by adding the final test score and the project work score and who will have attended at least 90% of the lessons will receive, directly from Samsung, a prize in the net amount of € 1,500.

Application deadline: September 21, 2021, 12:00 noon.

For more information, consult the announcement and to apply, visit the page at the useful link.