The presentation of the Course in Philosophy will take place during the first lecture of Reasoning and Theory of Science by Prof. Marcello Frixione(27 September 2021, h. 15:00)


Lessons and admission tests

Lectures will be held in presence, in mixed mode. Students will be able to reserve a place in the classroom through the MyUnige app (see the Guide attached to this notice), until the number of places available is exhausted. Synchronously, for those who cannot attend in person or who are unable to book a place in the classroom, it will be possible to follow the lessons from home through the Teams platform (each course has a particular code, which will be indicated on the course sheet: see the list of courses at

In order to follow the lessons from home through the Teams platform you must first access Office 365-Unige and download the application. Everything is explained in the first useful link.

To access the classrooms and attend the lessons you need to have a Green Pass.

As soon as classes start (check the starting days and times of the first semester courses you are interested in at you can already start attending, but remember that - if you do not have special exemptions - you must take the TELEMACO access test. You can take this test on one of the following dates: 15, 16, 17 September; 21, 22 October; 25 November. It is advisable to take the test in the first available session, that of September. Everything you need to know is explained at the second useful link. It is important to remember that this is not a closed number course; if you do not pass the test you will receive Additional Educational Obligations, but you will not be excluded from the course.

Moreover, there is a second entrance test to be taken, the foreign language knowledgetest (Assessment Test): for modalities, timing and exemptions please see the page at the third useful link. Students with English language in their study plan must take the English Assessment Test together with the TELEMACO entrance test. On the other hand, students who are planning to include other languages (French, German or Spanish) in their study plan are kindly requested to consult the website of the Course of Studies for the available tests.