The University of Genoa, in collaboration with the non-profit cultural association Science is Cool (SCOOL), proposes for the first time a popular science event of the prestigious Christmas Lecture series, lectures that present scientific topics to a general audience, including young people, in a popular and entertaining way.
The guest speaker at the Christmas Lecture 2021 is Luca Bindi, Professor of Mineralogy at the University of Florence and internationally renowned speaker, who will talk about his scientific adventure: the crucial and extraordinary discovery of quasicrystals in nature.
December 22, 2021, 3:30 pm
Aula Magna via Balbi 5
In person, by reserving your place at the first useful link, and online on the UniGe YouTube channel and Facebook page.
If you want to know more, read the article on, the University magazine, at the second useful link.