Training to Complexity: multidisciplinary approaches to rural and mOuntain sustainable devElopment and conservation
The first edition of the CLOE Conferences (training to Complexity: muLtidisciplinary approaches to rural and mOuntain sustainable devElopment and conservation), focusing on the issues of mountain and rural development and conservation from historical, environmental and legal perspectives, is being hosted as part of the Transumare Festival(May 23-28, 2022), an event organized by the Liguria Region and dedicated to the themes of biodiversity, communities and territories.
May 23, 2022, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Blue District, Magazzini dell'Abbondanza
Via del Molo 65, Genoa
To learn more, read the article in, the magazine of the University of Genoa, at the useful link.