
The European Researchers' Night ( European Researchers' Night) is in Genoa with the SHARPER project: lectures, speakers' corners, performances and workshops for the science marathon that has female researchers as protagonists.


Sept. 30, 2022, from 4 p.m. to midnight


Luzzati Gardens and Palazzo Rosso, Genoa

In Italy, SHARPER 2022 takes place in 14 cities (Ancona, Cagliari, Camerino, Catania, Genoa, L'Aquila, Macerata, Nuoro, Palermo, Pavia, Perugia, Sassari, Terni, and Trieste) with more than 1,000 initiatives including in-person events and online activities.

In Genoa, the project is coordinated by the University of Genoa and INFN - National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Genoa Section with the collaboration of IIT - Italian Institute of Technology, CNR - National Research Council, Festival of Science Association, ADI - Italian Doctoral Students Association, Genoa City Council, and the participation of Costa Edutainment, IIM - Hydrographic Institute of the Navy, INGV - National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, TICASS - Innovative Technologies for Environmental Control and Sustainable Development, ALISA - Ligurian Health Authority.

The full program of the European Researchers' Night 2022 in Genoa is on the SHARPER project website at the first useful link.

To learn more, read the article in, the University magazine, at the second useful link.