On Friday, April 21, the new edition of the Design for All course on accessible architecture, inclusive design, and design for all starts.
This important educational activity is promoted by the Degree Course and is carried out by the Disability Manager of the Municipality of Genoa and the Referents of the following entities: Consulta per la tutela dei diritti delle persone con disabilità del Comune e Città Metropolitana di Genova; Consulta Handicap Regione Liguria; Associazione Ligure Ipoudenti; UICI, Unione Italiana Ciechi; Associazione italiana Come vede i daltonici; Accessibility Office of the Municipality of Genoa.
The course offers first skills in a subject that is very important to the profession of architect, building and landscape engineer and designers.
The course is open to students of all years, lasts 16 hours, and is worth one credit for other activities (but, of course, those who did not need to acquire this cfu can also participate). In the previous edition, the course also provided some third-year students with the cue for the development of their final work for graduation.
All information can be found in the attached documents.
To register, an e-mail must be sent to the addresses below by April 14, 2023:
bellingeri.cristina@gmail.com, cristina.candito@unige.it, andrea.giachetta@unige.it
The e-mail should include: First name, Last name, freshman, degree program, e-mail, (if possible) phone number.
It is strongly recommended not to miss this important educational opportunity.