
Are you uncertain about which Degree Course to enroll in?

Do you want to continue your studies after graduation?

Are you looking for a job?

Take part online in the UniGe University and Work Show.

During the event you can:

  • discover the a.y. 2020/21 training offer of UniGe
  • participate in the detailed presentation about courses of the Polo Universitario G. Marconi of La Spezia
  • know and have interviews with companies

The Degree Courses are presented online by the professors. To follow the live please read carefully the instructions in the attached program.

If you want, you can request an individual interview by filling in the form at the second useful link and, once completed, you will be contacted to set a date.

If you are looking for a job, on Wednesday, May 6th you will have the opportunity to meet the participating companies online, attend their presentations and have a short interview.

To know the program of the event download the attached pdf.

N.B. The calendar of company presentations is being defined.


Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 April 2020 from 9 am to 5.15 pm

Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 May 2020 from 9.30 am to 5.15 pm