The Rector, the Director General and the whole academic community participate with deep sorrow in the death of Prof. Giovanni Solari, Ordinary of Building Technology at the Scuola Politecnica.

Prof. Solari was one of the greatest experts in Wind Engineering in the world, the first in Italy and Europe to study this subject. Among the honours received are the Cermak, Davenport, Scanlan and Flachsbart Medals.

Among the most recent activities, the Thunderr project (acronym of the English terms THUNDERstorm, "thunderstorm" and Roar, "roar"), a wide-ranging study on the effects of thunderstorms on about 20 national and international researchers, winner of the prestigious Advanced Grant, awarded by the European Reserch Council (for the first time in the world awarded to a Civil Engineering project).

The Dean of the Polytechnic School, Prof. Giorgio Roth, commented as follows:

"It is with immense sadness that I communicate the premature death of my friend and colleague Giovanni Solari. We will never forget the energy and vision of the future that have allowed him to achieve extraordinary goals, to become a point of reference in international scientific research and to drag generations of students with his enthusiasm.

We will miss him very much."

The Holy Rosary will be held on Friday 20th at 5:30 p.m. in the church of San Francesco d'Albaro.

The funeral will be held Saturday 21 at 11:30 am in the same church.