The University of Genoa - Polytechnic School - Department of Naval and Electrical Engineering,
Electronics and Telecommunications (DITEN) in collaboration with the companies of the
Direction of the Electrical Engineering Degree Course and the Engineering Degree Course
Electrical Engineering announces, for the Academic Year 2023/24, a competition for the award of 5 prizes of
Study Prizes, amounting to €1,000 gross, of which 4 Prizes established to promote the figure
of the Electrical Engineer and the skills that the Degree Course provides for students while the 5th
An award in memory of Pier Angelo Travaglio, an expert in the subject and a passionate scholar.
The Bachelor's and Master's degree courses train professionals who are immediately employable in the world
of work, with a particular propensity for the advanced industrial context, energy transition
and sustainable mobility. It is a primary objective to provide a highly flexible and in
able to correlate with the engineering domains of industry, energy, automation and
green transition.
The announcement can be found at the following link