The presentation of the Course of Studies in Theories and Techniques of Interlinguistic Mediation (TTMI) for new students (freshmen) will take place on Monday, 23 September from 9 to 10.30 (in Room 15, 1st floor Albergo dei Poveri).
The meeting is essential (not to say compulsory) because the courses start the following week (from Monday 30/9) and there will be no other opportunity to explain all the issues concerning the organisation of the course, lesson timetables, access to information and the didactic platform. The teachers of the 5 languages and cultures of the course will be present.
At the end of the meeting, TTMI freshmen will be able to participate in a guided tour of the teaching facilities with the student tutors.
In the Albergo dei Poveri I have included this link
(in case you missed it):