On 16 September the online procedure for the submission of study plans opened.
The deadline for completion is 31 October 2024.
After the deadline, the possibility of submitting the study plan will be reopened ex officio for 15 days for the following cases only:
- registrations with late fees after the deadlines
- registrations for master's degrees after 31 October 2024
For further information and instructions on how to complete the form, go to the dedicated item on the Students menu of your course's website.
The application form is available on the student menu
You have the opportunity to choose teaching courses taught in English. You can find the list of those activated in the academic year 2024/2025 in the notice published in all the News on the HomePage.
You can include them in the student's free-choice credits, if they are not directly included in the curriculum of your course of study.
You can also choose to include them in the credits of your course of study.
If you would like help in compiling your study plan and, in general, if you have doubts, curiosity and need help in relation to your first contacts with the university world, contact the Tutors for orientation. Tutors are students further along in their studies who can help you with their experience. Contact details are published on the following page of our School's website: https://scienzeumanistiche.unige.it/node/208
WARNING! If you are currently enrolled in a year subsequent to your first year, please remember to complete the Your Course of Study Annual Assessment Questionnaire
before starting to fill in your study plan.