In the 3 December 2024 episode of 'Che magnifica impresa", the RAI programme dedicated to the imaginary world of Italian manufacturing and enterprise, host Mario Sechi tells the story of modern Italian shipping, from the historic shipyards of the 19th century to the Rex, the Italian transatlantic liner built by Ansaldo in 1931 and winner of the Nastro Azzurro (Blue Ribbon); and then on to the splendid post-war turbo-ships and current achievements in the yachting and cruise ship sectors. Not forgetting the Amerigo Vespucci (1931), the most beautiful training ship of all time, the pride of the Italian Navy and our shipbuilding industry.
A tale of the sea, ships, shipyards, impossible challenges, workers, shipwrights and navigators. Among the guests in the studio: Luca Lo Basso, UniGe lecturer in Modern History.
The episode is available on Rai Play.