
UniGe proposes a new Open Day Scu (Universal Civil Service) to present the project of the City of Genoa with the University of Genoa:"The history of the city is us".

During the Open Day it will also be possible to receive information on the projects included in the programs of Confcooperative - Cooperativa Agorà and Cooperativa La Comunità.

Representatives of UniGe, Genoa City Council, Confcooperative and La Comunità, together with volunteers, will be available to all interested parties to deepen the content of the projects, clarify doubts and tell the experience of universal civil service.


February 4, 2022, from 11 to 15


Aula Magna of via Balbi 5, Genova


In presence, by reservation at the first useful link. Entrance allowed with reinforced Green Pass.

For information you can consult the UniGe page dedicated to the Universal Civil Service, at the second useful link.