
Shipping 4.0 is an opportunity for discussion between the scientific world, industry and policy makers with the participation of UniGe professors, industry representatives, service companies, shipowners, port authorities, innovative start-ups, investors, shippers and shipping agents.

The conference is divided into 8 round tables on the following topics

  • ports
  • logistics and the environment
  • shipowners and investments
  • AI and Blockchain
  • the new cities of the post-covid economy, between revitalization and digital and green transition
  • the evolution of shipbuilding 4.0
  • ports and catastrophic weather events
  • 5G and infrastructure - what are the benefits?


Thursday 11 and Friday 12 February 2021


The speakers will be live streaming from the Genova Blue District - Magazzini dell'Abbondanza, Genoa

To learn more and to know the full program and how to follow the event visit the useful link.