The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers Research Stays, in all disciplinary sectors.The aim is to encourage research mobility between German and Italian universities.

Short grants are of short duration and are used to carry out a research project, in any of the following ways

The aim is to provide a framework for the development of the discipline at a university or research centre in Germany.

Expiry date

15 September 2019


  • research fellows (post-docs) (who have held a doctoral degree for more than 4 years)
  • researchers
  • associate, full and honorary (if still active in the academic field) professors
  • employed by a university or research centre.

Duration and amount

from 1 to 3 months for an amount that can vary from 2,000 to 2,150 Euro monthly depending on the academic position of the candidate.

How to apply

The application must be completed through the online portal and then sent by e-mail.

References and assistance

Send a copy of the submitted project to for information.

If you need help in completing your application or developing your project, please contact the International Scientific Research and Cooperation Department:

Barbara Pirilli - Head of Sector - Tel. - e-mail:

Francesca Panciroli - Tel. - e-mail:

Mara Gilardi - Tel. - e-mail:

Francesca Repetti - tel. -e-mail: