Dear Students

aware of the uncertainty and grateful for your patience and dedication to your current "student work", waiting to know from time to time by the competent bodies the classification of the Liguria Region in yellow or orange zone (classification that you will find on the Home page of UNIGE at every occasion of change), we are to report you the two possible options.

At the link is also available the timetable of the lessons and the occupation of the two classrooms dedicated to us. In any case, please consult frequently the teachers of the courses.

We recommend to all of you the caution and the respect of the safety rules.

if Liguria is in orange zone: all lessons are suspended. Non-attendance activities are allowed, such as

  • curricular laboratories
  • Internships
  • Activities for the completion of the thesis

(subject to the agreement of the host structure and the restrictive measures in circulation).

if Liguria is in the yellow zone: the School has scheduled some activities in presence that can be carried out according to the schedules attached here.

Kind regards

Stefano Massucco

(Coordinator of the Courses of Study in Electrical Engineering)