The Politecnico di Torino has issued a funding call for funding for fundamental research projects, aimed at universities and public research institutions supervised by the MUR in Italy, as part of the extended partnership RETURN - multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate, thanks to resources from the PNRR - National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
The call will finance funding of fundamental research activities related to Spoke 6 TS2 - Multi Risk Resilience of Critical Infrastructures.
The aim of the Spoke is to produce new dynamic maps on a national level regarding the hazard classification for critical links and nodes of the main road, rail and water network infrastructures as well as for critical infrastructures such as dams, power plants, drinking water and wastewater plants, also taking into account man-made hazards. Furthermore, through scenario simulation criteria, an attempt will be made to improve the definition and quantification of the impact on citizens and economic activities of single/multiple failures in infrastructures. Finally, risk reduction objectives on critical infrastructures will require the development of IT tools and open knowledge-sharing methodologies that exploit predictive maintenance paradigms, based on on-site diagnostics, remote sensing techniques, AI recognition and deep learning systems.
The overall funding is EUR 1,100,000, divided into 11 key themes. Some of these themes are reserved for research organisations in the Mezzogiorno, with resources amounting to €440,000.
The call for proposals, published on the page E Return | Unioncamere Piemonte (, provides details on the project themes that can be developed with the funding, broken down by geographical area (Annex 4 - Themes and budget - page 22 of the call for proposals).
You can apply from 15 January to 15 February 2024.
Technical questions about the call for proposals can be addressed to the dedicated address: