
Conference organised by the "Sustainability and Law" Research Centre of the University of Genoa, in collaboration with the Institut Louis Favoreu of the University of Aix-Marseille.

The event is divided into two days: in the first, an internal seminar of the research group; in the second, a seminar open to the public dedicated to a comparison between the cases of Italy, France and Spain.

The conference is part of a Galileo project, financed by the Italian-French University, and is awarded the UIF Scientific Label for initiatives of high cultural and scientific value.

The programme is attached.

Data e luogo dell'evento

17 JuneĀ 2024, 15:00 - Aula Mazzini, Via Balbi 5, Genoa
18 JuneĀ 2024, 9:30 a.m. - Aula 9 Albergo dei Poveri, p.le E. Brignole, Genoa